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Monolouges for the Universal



In The Transition, the actress is challenged to pull forth those emotions generally buried in the human spirit. Those emotions like grief, anger and disappointment. The character displays honesty at a time when most are in their most vulnerable state. At a time where the truth of matters are covered up by the shocking reality that all of life in the physical realm transitions, and all situations experience change. But what if we embraced the notion that transitions are a part of our existence? What if carrying an honest display of emotion leads us to the path of healing? Would it bring about integrity to us, and our changing circumstances? Maya is grief stricken and honest about her feelings.


Can you bring her story to life?



Click for a printable version of "The Transition"

In Birthday's Eve, the actress takes up the challenge of portraying the inner crazy. We all have that piece of us that is searching for an outlet; things said that we cannot, should not, dare not do. For the sake of normalcy, tradition and image we were prettily sat into boxes way back then, and willingly sit in them now. But there comes a moment, when we come face to face with our limitations and it is then, we gather up our strength to burst through the boundaries. It's the inner voice of fear that we must love our way through in order to live the life that we truly desire. The character is enclosed in fear and judgment of herself and the outside world. The complexity of this monologue comes in the form of channeling our own inner fear and limitations to step outside of our boxes.


Can you push the limits and quiet the inner voice of fear and judgment in order to bring her expressions out?



Click for a printable version of "Birthday's Eve"

About MUSE!

This complementary series of monologues are soul connective. The ages and character suggestions are just that; suggestions! By all means, the characters were written to be evolved and grown by combining with the spirit of the actor that chooses to bring them to life. Each character has his or her life lesson that is to be learned or remembered. They hold the opputunity to be owned and then displayed with heart, technique and compassion. Written to challenge and expand the actor in a personal way, these monologues' aim to assist in unearthing a deeper connection with your craft.

In essence, while these monolouges are indeed written with the actor in mind, they also serve as a series of entertaining stories. They can be read by readers of all genres. They are written for those seeking inspiration or motivation. They are also available to be used by storytellers. With all of my love, joy and encouragement!

You are encouraged to use them!

Use It!

Permission is given for the downloading and temporary storage of one or more of these monologues for personal use. The content consists of original writings and are available for educational purposes, auditioning or storytelling. All I ask is for you to give the author and title credit when used. If you have questions or desire to utilize the work in any other fashion, please contact me and we will work something out.


~Taleesha Caturah

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